Here’s How TrekNomads is Making Treks Safe for You Post COVID-19!

Safety protocols followed by treknomads for trekking during covid-19
Last Updated: 14/12/2020


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about some unprecedented challenges in the tourism and trekking sector.

As a community, our major focus has always remained on ensuring the health, safety, making treks safe and security of our Nomads, our on-ground staff, and the locals. As we prepare ourselves to resume operations, we are also doing the best we can to ensure that the Government protocols are followed wherever required. 

As we prepare to resume our Himalayan treks from September 2020, here is a detailed guide on all the Safety protocols we are following prior, during, and post our treks.

While we shall take necessary steps to implement the measures outlined in their respective protocols in making treks safe, it is also important for Nomads to take adequate precautions to ensure their own health and safety. 

Nomads are encouraged to go through these safety protocols thoroughly and follow the same before booking their trek, while on the trek and post trekking with us. 

Click here to view all our upcoming treks.

Ensuring you are safe before you join us on the trek:

While we will do all we can in making treks safe, there are a couple of things you can do to ensure that you are safe before joining us on the trek:

  1. Avoid crowded places and social occasions for at least 10-15 days before the start of your trek
  2. Wear a face mask if you step out of home
  3. Drink at least 2 glasses of hot water with turmeric every day
  4. Wash or sanitize your hands every time you step out of your house and when you come back home
  5. Avoid taking the public transport. This includes cabs as well
  6. Avoid eating from unfamiliar restaurants as much as possible.

Safety Protocols to be followed to making treks safe:

  1. Only asymptomatic Nomads shall be allowed.
  2. Those with a temperature of more than 37.5 °C (99 °F) and/or flu-like symptoms shall not be permitted to travel.
  3. Nomads with no international travel history 14 days before the departure will be allowed (only applicable until restricted by the government authorities)
  4. Nomads below the age of 10 and above 60 will not be permitted.
  5. Screening of all nomads at the entry point for symptoms of COVID-19 such as temperature (using no-contact type thermometer/ thermal guns), cough, cold, etc.
  6. If you have taken a flight to the base city, don’t throw away your face shield, instead, reuse the same while traveling to the base camp.
  7. All nomads shall be briefed on the safety measures taken before onboarding.
  8. Nomads to provide basic personal information when traveling, including name, phone number, Govt. ID type and ID number. Consent for sharing of their details with the administrative / health authorities will be taken from Nomads, as and where required for contact tracing related activity.
  9. Please check for the necessary permission or form you need to fill before entering any state border. (Each state government has an inter-state travel details entry portal).
  10. Nomads are required to carry their own masks, sanitizer, gloves, and other essential items.
  11. We highly recommend using your own transport for travel. In the likelihood that you are not able to arrange for your transport, we will provide you with transportation.
  12. The vehicles provided by TrekNomads will be thoroughly disinfected prior to boarding. The driver who will accompany you will also follow the required safety protocol

Safety Protocols to be followed at Base City & Base Camp:

The following basic guidelines should be adhered to by all Nomads while joining us on treks to ensure their safety as well as the safety of their service providers and locals:

  1. On reaching the base camp, before entering allotted rooms, Nomads will have to submit their COVID certificate. Their oxygen saturation and general health condition will be checked and noted down on a daily basis by our trek lead or trek guide.
  2. Nomads should strictly observe social distancing norms with a physical distance of 2 meters (6 feet) per person. Family groups can stay together as long as they ensure that they are at least 2 meters (6 feet) away from any other individuals or family groups.
  3. Nomads should ensure that they wear a protective face mask all the time to keep yourself and others safe.
  4. Nomads should frequently wash hands or use hand sanitizers. While facility management shall provide for soaps/sanitizer at common places, Nomads should mandatorily carry their own sanitizer and wet wipes.
  5. Nomads should sanitize their hands after any contact with public surfaces including ticketing counters or check-in counters.
  6. Food will be served outside unless the weather conditions are bad. In the case of bad weather, Nomads will be served in the dining area in groups of 2-3.

Safety Protocols to be followed at Accommodation Units:

  1. Nomads should reach out to the COVID Coordinator identified by the accommodation unit for any issues or concerns with regards to hygiene and safety.
  2. Only asymptomatic Nomads shall be allowed.
  3. Twin sharing accommodation will be provided with separate beds. Nomads can either share the room with their friends or families.
  4. Single sharing accommodation can be requested and will be provided on availability and for an extra cost.
  5. Single sharing for camping tents at an extra cost.
  6. Dry toilets will be arranged for Nomads who are camping at campsites during the trek. Each nomad will have to carry their own toilet paper.
  7. Nomads who have checked-in at the accommodation unit should not allow other nomads into their rooms.
  8. The staff of accommodation units will not enter the nomads’ room unless absolutely necessary. The nomads should ensure they follow social distancing guidelines with any staff that may have to enter their rooms
  9. For treks that involve camping, our staff will sanitize all sleeping bags, tents, blankets, and any other types of equipment on a daily basis.
  10. Nomads shall minimize contact with other staff and visitors. As far as possible, a zero-contact policy should be followed at all tourism facilities.
  11. In case of porter services where your bags will be carried to the base camp by porters and mules, Nomads will drop their bags in a common area and proceed on the trek with the day bags. Nomads shall not come in direct contact with our porters or other staff members.
  12. As a precautionary measure Nomads will be expected to carry their own set of utensils such as glass, plate, bowl, spoon etc. that will be used by Nomads from the time they reach.
  13. Allotted time slots should be followed by all Nomads for the convenience of service providers and other Nomads.

Safety Protocols to be followed while trekking:

  1. The guides and locals who will accompany you on your trek will be trained thoroughly on all necessary measures to be taken with respect to sanitation and social distancing. We shall make sure that our staff you interact with is medically checked and healthy. 
  2. We will be monitoring the oxygen levels and possible symptoms in our trek guides and trek staff before they join our Nomads on treks. (It is not feasible to get a COVID test for each of our staff members in the current scenario).
  3. Oxygen saturation of Nomads will be checked twice every day by the trek guide (this is a mandate that is followed on all our high-altitude treks). The same will be checked for our trek guides and staff members.
  4. Certain states may require a COVID negative test to be presented before entering the state. Check this blog for details.
  5. Nomads will be required to dispose of their garbage individually during the course of the trek. No common garbage disposal will be provided.
  6. We will ensure that our kitchen staff who accompany you on our treks are wearing all the required safety gears.
  7. TrekNomads will carry a general first aid kit but we recommend that each Nomad carries a first aid kit along with their personal medication
  8. Sanitizers and masks will not be provided by TrekNomads, we recommend you carry enough of both that can last you the entire duration of the trek.
  9. If a Nomad starts showing COVID symptoms during the trek, the Nomad will be isolated and will be sent back to the base camp.

Safety protocols that will be followed in case Nomads start showing symptoms:

In the unlikely event that a Nomad starts showing COVID-19 symptoms, the following protocols will be followed:

  1. The Nomad will be immediately isolated and moved back to base camp. The nearest medical facility will be updated on the development and a due course of action will be decided post this.
  2. The TrekNomads staff will not accompany the Nomad beyond the base camp. The Nomads will be given a dedicated room to quarantine
  3. If the Nomad tests positive, the TrekNomads staff will get tested for COVID-19 and follow necessary protocols.

Safety Protocols to be followed after a trek:

  1. Upon completion of the trek, Nomads who have opted for transportation will be dropped to the base city post which they can travel back to their home town.
  2. The transport vehicle will be sanitized and the driver’s temperature will be checked before departing from the base camp.
  3. In the case that you have travelled in your personal transport, you can leave directly from the base camp post a temperature check.

While we do understand that this list of safety protocols seems very long, it will contribute in making treks safe, and the safety of others around you. Having said that, we expect each of our Nomad to be responsible and strictly follow these protocols just as much as we would.

Trekking is a leisure sport where it can get difficult to follow social distancing at all times and you will be required to interact and help each other out during the trek. While we will do everything we can to keep you safe, we require you to understand this as well.

We also strongly recommend that to making treks safe, you keep your trek lead informed at all times. In case you start developing symptoms or feel uncomfortable at any given point during the trek, we expect you to be proactive in informing us.

We have also relaxed our cancellation policy so you can cancel your trek plans in case you feel uncertain without any hesitation.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and book your trek now!

You can also download an e-copy of our safety protocols here.

If you have any queries regarding the safety protocols, please feel free to reach us at

We can’t wait to see you on the trails!



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